Red State Update
Podcasting from a bunker underneath Jackie's Market in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, Trump-hating rednecks Jackie Broyles and Dunlap take on the president, the 2020 election, Biden and Bernie, Mitch and MAGA, politics and pop culture.
Real news. Fake sponsors.
Redneck Matinee
Jackie Broyles and Dunlap have been watching Southern movies their whole lives, and now they're watchin' 'em for you, podcast-style. They ain’t film critics— Jackie’s the grizzled old proprietor of Jackie’s Market in Murfreesboro, TN, and Dunlap’s half-high and mostly drunk — but they know art when they see it.
If you love truckdrivin’, shinerunnin’, stickhittin’, bareknucklin’, bootleggin’, carchasin’, bridgejumpin’, dirtbikin’, yes-ma’amin’, monkey-havin’, CBin’, beerdrinkin’, Jerry-Reedin’ downhome drive-in southern-fried films, then get your ears on, good buddy. We got a long way to go and an average-podcast-amount-of-time to get there.


How Freedom Sounds

Santa Is Real
Merry Twismas Part Twoo... and Other Holiday Gooduns!